Icon Identity investigates which has the more iconic brand of blenders?  Is it Vitamix or Blendtec.

This site is for anyone looking for one of the popular high end blenders.  The fact is it’s a big investment, so be sure you’re getting the best deal for your money and everything you’re looking for.

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Who has the Best Blenders? Vitamix vs Blendtec
While Vitamix and Blendtec blenders have a number of similarities there are manifested differences worth looking at before you make up your mind on which blender to purchase The following Vitamix vs Blendtec review should help Cost The two blenders differ little in terms of price The Blendtec manufacturer website indicates Classic Total Refurbished Blender model start from around to a high of for the Connoisseur Blendtec model The Classic Total Blender from Blendtec is perhaps the popular model from them but the price differs depending on the jar chosen For Vitamix blenders the price for Refurbished models start from...